Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Middle School + High School on Sundays
Hope Students gather on Sundays at the Lodge! Middle schoolers meet at 5pm and High schoolers meet at 7pm. Each week, our students are invited to gather together, worship, and grow in their faith and relationship with Christ.

Middle School
6th – 8th Grade
We love the heart and mind of middle school students; their ability to ask deep questions about God while simultaneously stuffing as many cheese doodles in their mouths as possible. We walk alongside students as they navigate the new world of being a teenager, practically and spiritually.

High School
9th – 12th Grade
In Hope Students, we want to be a safe place for high school students to be themselves as they discover the ups and downs that come with being in High School. We can’t wait to walk alongside students as they get their drivers license, experience their first date, and all the way through their graduation!
Special Needs
We inclusively welcome students with disabilities to all our events with the support of "Buddies." Students with special needs are invited to join in both large group and small group gatherings with accommodations. We also offer "Buddies" to join our students on mission trips and Winter Weekend.

Small Groups
Small group is an intentional time during the week that a student connects with their peers alongside trusted adult small group leaders to further explore their life and faith. Learn more at our weekly, large group gatherings or connect with us if you have questions.